PicsRetouch Photo Retouching Pricing

Our pricing structure matches the best in the industry. We guarantee reliable services at the most reasonable rates for all your image editing and retouching outsourcing needs.

All prices are in US dollars per image.
Clipping Path
  • Simple $0.19
  • Complex $0.59
  • Super Complex $1.49
  • Multiple $1.49
  • ***
Image Masking
  • Simple $0.99
  • Complex $1.99
  • Super Complex $2.99
  • ***
  • ***
Background Removal
  • Simple $0.19
  • Complex $0.59
  • Super Complex $1.49
  • ***
  • ***
Product Shadow and Reflection
  • Simple Shadow $0.19
  • Complex Shadow $0.99
  • Simple Reflection $0.19
  • Complex Reflection $0.99
  • ***
Ghost Mannequin Effects
  • Simple $0.99
  • Complex $1.99
  • ***
  • ***
  • ***
Product Retouching
  • Product cleaning $0.49
  • Product wrinkle removal $0.99
  • Product color correction $0.19
  • Glassware reflection removal $0.49
  • ***
E-commerce Retouching
  • Product recoloring $0.49
  • Product color matching $0.49
  • Platform based editing $0.49
  • ***
  • ***
Jewelry Retouching
  • Color change $0.49
  • Background removal $0.59
  • Clipping path $0.59
  • Dodge and burn effect $0.49
  • Gemstone enhancement $0.49
Model Retouching
  • Blemish removal $0.49
  • Skin smoothening $0.99
  • Teeth whitening $0.79
  • Stray hair removal $0.99
  • ***
Fashion Retouching
  • Braces removal $0.89
  • Eye glass glare removal $0.49
  • Hi end retouching $2.99
  • ***
  • ***
Image Manipulation
  • Liquify and weight reduction $1.99
  • Head swap $0.99
  • Add or remove people $0.99
  • ***
  • ***
Image Editing
  • Light and exposure correction $0.49
  • Contrast adjustment $0.49
  • Image cropping $0.19
  • Image resizing and scaling $0.19
  • Color correction $0.19
Image Restoration
  • Simple $4.99
  • Complex $9.99
  • Super complex $14.99
  • ***
  • ***
Real Estate
  • Simple $0.99
  • Complex $1.99
  • Super complex $2.99
  • ***
  • ***

PicsRetouch Customized Pricing

The above prices are representative of standard services based on our own defined parameters. For a more accurate pricing, you are encouraged to send us your query with sample images.

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