Product Photo Retouching Services for Catalogs
Here is how we help companies maintain product catalog image consistency
What is a product catalog?
A product catalog is simply a list containing all products a company manufactures or sells. Each item in the list contains vital information about the product that a distributer or a marketing person may want to show a final user. Images are an integral part of a product catalog and work great in enticing a potential buyer.
Challenges for a catalog photographer
A product catalog photographer comes across a number of challenges during the product shoot and in post-production.
Maintaining consistency
A catalog must feature all products in similar background, size, color palette and style. It is not possible to maintain this level of consistency when shooting hundreds and thousands of products in a short period of time. Professional post-processing can help maintain a very high level of consistency.
Color variety
Several color choices may be available for a product category. These products are identical in every aspect and vary only in color. It seems a wastage of time to shoot all these products for a catalog. Also, it might be the case that one or more color variation is not available at the time of shooting.
Cleaning products
You can’t avoid a product showcasing dust, scratches, spots and other imperfections no matter how carefully you shoot. You must cleanup images during post-processing, removing unwanted elements, imperfections and wrinkles.
How retouching helps deal with the photographer challenges
Background consistency: The first step is to separate the subject from the background. We either remove background from all images or replace the existing ones with one background correctly representing the brand.
Color consistency
Color correction is the next step and our objective is to bring the product back to its true color. We adjust many tools to come up with the perfect balance of shadows, highlights, hues and contrast.
Cropping and resizing
All products look the same in size and proportion. Cropping and resizing are the best tools to achieve this consistency for a catalog.
We can quickly a create a product image in whatever color you want. Recoloring or color change, whatever the name be, it helps alleviate your concern if a product in a particular color is missing from your photo session lineup.
Cleaning up
We can use a number of brushes and tools to remove impurities and imperfections. We keep the photos clean by getting rid of wrinkles, spots, scratches, smudges, etc.
Image enhancement
Enhanced images are visually appealing and more likely to attract people. They also represent a brand identity truly. Retouching can help enhance images using a number of tools and techniques, such as saturation, vibrancy, color matching and color grading. We can also add a border, create shadows and reflections, add texts and apply creative retouching to enhance the look and feel of a product catalog.